Types of Burglar Alarm Systems Available in the UK

Types of Burglar Alarm Systems Available in the UK

In today’s technologically driven world, safeguarding one’s home or business has never been more crucial. The UK market offers a plethora of burglar alarm systems to cater to varying security needs. Notably, 1security systems has emerged as a go-to service provider in this domain, offering a range of these alarm systems. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of burglar alarm systems available in the UK, with a special mention of offerings by 1security systems.

  1. Bell-Only Alarms

These are the simplest alarms that emit a loud noise when activated. Their primary purpose is to deter the burglar and notify the property owner of the intrusion. While they don’t connect with the police or a centralised monitoring system, 1security systems offer an array of bell-only alarms tailored to different property sizes and requirements.

  1. Dialler Alarms

These alarms, upon activation, automatically dial a pre-set number or send a text. 1security systems offers two main types:

  • Speech Dialler: Built into the alarm system, it can store several phone numbers. Upon detection of an intrusion, it sequentially calls these numbers.
  • GSM Dialler: Operating via a mobile phone’s SIM card, this system sends a text or calls the owner during a breach. It’s vital to keep the SIM card topped up for its effective functioning.
  1. Smart Security Systems

Smart security systems, compatible with smartphones and tablets, have gained immense traction in recent years. 1security systems offer cutting-edge smart alarms that notify owners directly on their mobile devices, integrating seamlessly with other smart home functionalities.

  1. Monitored Alarms

Providing top-notch security, monitored alarms are linked to a 24/7 surveillance centre. 1security systems excel in this segment, immediately alerting the homeowner or the police, depending on the established protocol.

  1. Wireless Alarms

An innovative solution for properties where extensive wiring is inconvenient, wireless alarms are easy to install and manage. 1security systems’ range of wireless alarms includes motion detectors, door/window sensors, and a sophisticated control panel.

  1. Wired Alarms

These traditional alarms require cables to interconnect the sensors and the control unit. Known for their reliability, 1security systems offer wired alarms that are robust and designed for long-term use.

  1. Hybrid Alarms

Blending the best of wired and wireless systems, hybrid alarms offer flexibility and scalability. 1security systems provide hybrid solutions ideal for those looking to expand or upgrade their existing security infrastructure.

  1. Infrared Detector Alarms

Capitalizing on infrared technology, these alarms are activated upon detecting movement. 1security systems have an array of infrared detector alarms suited for varying premises sizes and types.

  1. Vibration (or Inertia) Sensors

Mounted on doors and windows, these sensors detect vibrations resulting from forced entries. 1security systems offer this solution to fortify the primary entry points of properties.


The UK’s burglar alarm landscape is rich and varied, catering to diverse security needs. 1security systems, as a leading service provider, bring forth a curated selection of these alarms, ensuring homeowners and businesses have access to top-tier security solutions. Before finalising your choice, consider seeking expert advice from providers like 1security systems to find the best fit for your safety requirements.